Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Punjab Goverment Announced Honhaar Scholarship Merit List For Selected Students

Honhaar Scholarship Merit List

Punjab Government has released Honhaar Scholarship Merit List. All those students who applied in the Honahar scholarship and were waiting when the merit list will be released then there is a good news for them that the merit list has been released by the government of Punjab. You can find your name in this merit list.

The government has released the list of all the candidates who have been selected. This list has been uploaded to our website here. You have to check the merit list of the institution you applied for. Here the list of selected students in Public Sector Universities, Private Sector Universities, Medical and Dental Colleges, and HED Colleges has been released. Click on the list of the university or colleges for which you applied for the scholarship.

Punjab Goverment Announced Honhaar Scholarship Merit List For Selected Students

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A list will be shown in front of you which will contain the name of Apple, CNIC number, and details of the university or institute. You can find your name here if your name is on this list then congratulations you have been selected for the scholarship.

Now all your educational expenses will be paid by the Government of Pakistan. If your name is not on this merit list it means not been selected but don’t despair you can apply again next year.

Merit List

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What is the Honhaar Scholarship Program?

The Honhaar Scholarship Program, initiated by the Punjab Government, offers financial support to outstanding students across Punjab. By covering tuition and additional expenses, this program empowers students to focus on their studies and excel without financial burdens.

Punjab Government Releases Honhaar Scholarship Merit List

For students who applied for this scholarship, the long-awaited merit list is now available. The Punjab Government has published a comprehensive list of selected candidates across various educational institutions, from universities to medical and dental colleges. This list, which is now accessible online, provides details including the applicant’s name, CNIC number, and the institution they applied for.

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Steps to Check the Honhaar Scholarship Merit List

To make it easy for students to find their names on the merit list, the list has been organized by institution type, so students can locate their university or college with ease. Here’s how to check the list:

  • Click on the link for your institution type, whether it’s a public or private university, medical college, or HED college.
  • Select your institution from the list.
  • Look for your name, CNIC number, and other application details to confirm your selection.

    This transparent and user-friendly process helps students to quickly confirm their selection status.

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    What if You Are Not on the Merit List?

    For students who do not find their names on the list, it is essential to remember that there are other opportunities. The Honhaar Scholarship Program is offered annually, meaning that students who did not qualify this year can reapply in the future. Each year, the program aims to expand and support more students, so applicants are encouraged to apply again next time.

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    The release of the Honhaar Scholarship Merit List is a significant step towards educational empowerment. Congratulations to all selected students for their achievements. For those who did not qualify this time, keep aiming high more opportunities await. The Punjab Government’s commitment to student success and education ensures that every deserving student will have a chance to fulfill their academic dreams.

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    By M Usman

    Muhammad Usman is a dedicated advocate for social welfare and community development, actively involved in Pakistan's Ehsaas program and the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). As a member of these vital initiatives, he utilizes his platform,, to disseminate essential information and resources, empowering individuals with knowledge and assistance. With a passion for creating positive change, Muhammad Usman strives to amplify the voices of the marginalized and build a more equitable society. Join him on his journey towards a brighter future for all.