Ehsaas Buzurg Program
Good news! The Ehsaas Program announces financial assistance to poor elderly people. The program has launched the Ehsaas Buzurg Program, in which senior citizens will be registered and given financial assistance. This is a very good initiative on the part of the Pakistani government, especially the Ehsaas program. Through this, our seniors will not have to lend a hand to anyone and can live their lives easily at home.
Registration for the Ehsaas Buzurg Program has started and many senior citizens have also registered for this program. If you are elderly in your household or yourself and your age is above 60 years, then you can also register. We will explain the complete registration procedure here.
To register, you must take your identity card and visit the nearest Benazir Income Support Program office. Your registration will be completed there. You have to go on a weekday for registration; this day is reserved for senior citizens only so that senior citizens do not face any problems.
Also Read: Benazir Income Support Programme News 2024 8171 New Update.
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احساس بزرگ پروگرام
اچھی خبر! احساس پروگرام نے غریب بزرگوں کے لیے مالی امداد کا اعلان کیا ہے۔ احساس پروگرام نے احساس بزرگ پروگرام شروع کر دیا ہے. جس میں بزرگ شہریوں کو رجسٹر کر کے انہیں مالی امداد دی جائے گی۔ پاکستانی حکومت اور خاص طور پر احساس پروگرام کی جانب سے یہ ایک بہت اچھا اقدام ہے کیونکہ اس کے ذریعے ہمارے بزرگوں کو کسی کا ہاتھ نہیں اٹھانا پڑے گا اور وہ گھر پر ہی اپنی زندگی آسانی سے گزار سکیں گے۔
احساس بزرگ پروگرام کے لیے رجسٹریشن شروع ہو گئی ہے اور بہت سے بزرگ شہریوں نے بھی اس پروگرام کے لیے رجسٹریشن کرائی ہے۔ اگر آپ اپنے گھر یا اپنے آپ میں بوڑھے ہیں اور آپ کی عمر 60 سال سے زیادہ ہے، تو آپ بھی رجسٹر کر سکتے ہیں۔ ہم یہاں رجسٹریشن کے مکمل طریقہ کار کی وضاحت کریں گے۔
رجسٹریشن کے لیے آپ کو اپنا شناختی کارڈ لینا ہوگا اور قریب ترین بینظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے دفتر جانا ہوگا۔ وہاں آپ کی رجسٹریشن مکمل ہو جائے گی. آپ کو رجسٹریشن کے لیے ہفتے کے دن جانا پڑتا ہے. یہ دن صرف بزرگ شہریوں کے لیے مخصوص ہے تاکہ بزرگ شہریوں کو کسی قسم کی پریشانی کا سامنا نہ کرنا پڑے۔
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Ehsaas Buzurg Program Online Registration
Online registration for the Ehsaas Buzurg Program has been done. This is a great advantage because elderly people who are disabled or unable to walk will get their registration done at home. To register, you must visit the Ehsaas program’s official website. There, you have to click on the Ehsaas Senior Program option.
All the information related to the Ehsaas Bazurg Program will be in front of you. You can read this information after that you will see the online registration button below. Click on this button and a form will appear in front of you. You have to enter all your information correctly in this form. After that, you have to submit the form and you will be registered within a few days and you will receive financial assistance regularly.
Ehsaas Buzurg Program Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria for registration in the Ehsaas Senior Program have also been made. Only those who meet the eligibility criteria will be given financial assistance:
- You must be above 60 years of age to get financial assistance in this program
- You are not getting a pension from the government before
- Your PMT score should be less than 30
- You should have a verified identity card from NADRA with a lifetime expiry date.
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Ehsaas Buzurg Program Payment Update
Exciting news for all beneficiaries of the Ehsaas Buzurg Program! The payment amount has been increased from Rs. 8,500 to Rs. 10,500. This increase aims to provide more substantial financial support to senior citizens, helping them better manage their daily expenses. If you are already registered, you will start receiving the new payment amount in your upcoming installments.